Tuesday 12 April 2011

There's a first time for everything..

Hello! Here is my first blog post and the first of my random musings. I am writing this with a 4 year old boy on my knee and a 7 year old boy bugging me for sweets. It is Day 2 of the Easter holidays and i have snatched a couple of minutes to have a coffee and start my new blog. This is pretty much how my life is most of the time being a busy mum to two small boys. I grab daytime minutes to write down ideas, sketch designs, play with colours in between school runs, play dates, making potato prints, playing army, hanging out washing, cooking, mending scraped knees with Mr happy plasters and cuddles, picking up Lego, going on adventures, baking cakes, playing with Nerf guns and so on and so on. Its pretty mental but i love the chaos. At the end of the day when the kids are in bed and all is (finally) quiet. Out comes the sewing machine and i put all my creative ideas to work.
  This blog is another outlet for me and my random ideas, finds, makes and musings.  I hope you enjoy my posts and Id love to hear your comments.


  1. Blogging can be addictive.

    You have been warned!


  2. Fabulous blog Lucy! I look forward to reading more and Yay I'm your first follower. x

  3. Hey Lucy
    your boys are so cute :)

    your day sounds like mine but with less army & nerf and more princess's & pink things :)
    great blog x
